Main Course | Korean spicy rice cake/ Tteokbokki / 떡볶이

晚上8:00:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Main Course | Korean spicy rice cake/ Tteokbokki / 떡볶이
(韓式辣炒年糕中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)

Every recipe and restaurant review we post at Cloudeer we try or replicate threes times before sharing them with you, to make sure that they really good and consistent. However, today's recipe I am sharing after only making it once- Because it is so simple yet so Delicious.

This is my first time cooking Korean Rice Cake and it really is simple, no skill required and very simple ingredients.

Just be sure to pay attention to your saucepan and boil for 15 minutes. Slowly cook your rice cake until you notice that the rice cakes have absorbed the flavour of the other ingredients and you can notice less sauce (liquid) in the pan.
Even if you are an amateur in the kitchen, with this recipe you can make as good a dish as you would find across any Korean Restaurant.

For Gluten Free people, I don’t know why these stores brought rice cakes still come with gluten inside. Be sure to check your packaging and ingredients to make sure the rice cake doesn’t contain Gluten. We also include soy sauce in our recipe, this can either be replaced with gluten-free soy sauce or left out. I promise the flavour will be just as good with either option.

If you have any concerns with the 5 pungent spices, relax, just skip or substitute it with anything that you normally would in any other dish. As for the heat and spice of the sauce, this is up to you, Add or remove as much of the chili elements as needed for your required taste.
Vegan people can finally relax and eat delicious rice cake without having to worry about the chance that it will contain any animal products like fish cake, fish sauce or honey. 

Veggie oil
Garlic 1
Onion ¼, cut small pieces
Spring onion 3, cut into 3 inch long pieces
Rice cake 200g
Water 300 ml
Chill paste 1 tablespoon
Chill power 1 teaspoon
Maple syrup 1 tablespoon
Soy sauce 1 teaspoon
Raw sugar 1 teaspoon

Add the oil and garlic, onion and spring onion into the pan then fried them until they look gold.
Add rice cake and water and all sauces into the same pan Boil for 15 minutes over medium-high heat with the lid. 

二十分鐘上菜 | 韓式辣炒年糕

在 Cloudeer 看到的食譜和食記,都是至少試過三次以上,確認每次都達標才敢和大家分享。

只有這道韓式辣年糕食譜例外,因為它竟是如此地簡單——簡單的食材和無需烹飪技巧的「技巧」,讓 Cloudeer 第一次做完就敢直接寫食譜推薦給各位。



麩質過敏者請看仔細了,不知道怎麼搞的這年頭就算是年糕還是米粉,裡頭也有可能有 Gluten,請各位保重;材料中的那一茶匙醬油可改用無麩質醬油或是直接跳過,在此(發毒誓)保證味道也是一樣好。五辛素者,Take easy,不能吃的就跳過,味道不會差太多的,隨意加一點自己愛吃的料也行。喜辣者和怕辣者在辣醬辣粉的部分可自由增減,真的很怕辣的人就用一小茶匙辣醬就好,辣椒粉可以跳過沒關係。素食者們趕快來做做看,自己做的好處就是再也不用擔心會不小心吃到魚板、魚露和蜂蜜啦!

希望你/ 妳們會喜歡這道零失誤又超級快速的食譜!

2-3 湯匙 植物油
1 瓣 蒜頭 切碎
¼ 顆 洋蔥 切碎
3 根 青蔥 切段
韓式年糕 200-300g
水 300g (可以自己熬蔬菜或是海帶高湯)

1 湯匙 韓式辣醬
1 茶匙 韓式辣椒粉(我用手邊僅有的卡宴;怕辣可省略。)
1 湯匙 楓糖(任何花蜜植物糖漿都可以)
1 茶匙 醬油(可省略)
1 茶匙 二號砂糖





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Main Course | 蕃茄燉雜豆

晚上7:47:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Main Course | 蕃茄燉雜豆







延伸閱讀:蕃茄燉雜豆就是要配 薑黃飯 食譜

¼杯 橄欖油
半顆 洋蔥(切碎)
1 根 紅蘿蔔(切丁)
半顆 青椒(切丁)(彩椒青椒皆可)
半把 莙薘菜(切小段)
1 罐 雜豆 (350g)
1 罐 蕃茄罐頭
1 罐 蔬菜高湯(約500cc)
6 根 辣椒(切碎)
4 瓣大蒜 (切碎) 可省略
1 茶匙 小茴香籽
1 茶匙 香菜粉 可省略
1 茶匙 甜椒粉 (原味或是煙燻的都可以)
半茶匙 百里香粉 可省略
2-3 片 月桂葉
半顆 檸檬汁 可省略

1. 加油熱鍋,用中小火將洋蔥拌炒上色,然後放入紅蘿蔔炒上色,最後放入青椒慢慢炒上色。

2. 將莙薘菜、雜豆、蕃茄罐頭、高湯和辛香料全部倒入鍋中,攪拌後上鍋蓋轉小火直到煮滾。

3. 轉到最小的火,切記每5-10分鐘攪拌一次,燉40-60分鐘即成。或是放在電鍋裡面蒸到跳起來即可。

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Main Course | 薑黃飯

晚上7:20:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Main Course | 薑黃飯

這是 Cloudeer 認為最好吃又最簡單的薑黃飯食譜,也是很容易取得的材料。在一些原始的食譜中,辣椒和蒜頭的用量幾乎都10根/ 顆以上,怕辣的朋友別擔心,這個煸過的油,只香不辣,請盡量不要少於我們食譜的數字,另外,也都可以隨意增加辛香料。吃五辛素的朋友們,就把蒜頭跟紅蔥頭跳過吧!

很多食譜裡面都會用到高湯,而高湯塊或是罐頭確實是做出好菜的偷吃步,但,我們不相信那神秘的小方塊跟罐頭裡面的神秘液體能帶給人健康,在此還是建議各位現做吧,熬高湯短至五分長至一小時,這全取決於你/ 妳想付出多少。



延伸閱讀:吃薑黃飯就是要配 蕃茄燉雜豆 食譜

4 根 乾辣椒(新鮮辣椒亦可)
4 瓣 大蒜(切片)(可省略)
1 顆 紅蔥頭(切丁)(可省略)
1 指節 薑(切片)(老薑嫩薑皆可)
¼杯 植物油
1茶匙 薑黃粉
2.5 杯 長米(什麼米都可以)(洗淨後過篩去除多餘水分)
2.5 杯 高湯(水亦可)


1. 辛香料放入開小火的油鍋裡煸至焦黃後將辛香料取出。

2. 將長米倒入油鍋中炒至均勻後加入一茶匙或是適量薑黃粉拌勻。

3. 將長米和高湯放入電鍋蒸熟即可食用。

4. 將裝飾材料隨意地撒在盛好的米飯上。

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Main Course | A Simple Refreshing Meal.

凌晨2:36:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Main Course | A Simple Refreshing Meal.(中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)

Hey, what is one of your favourite dishes inside your heart?

For Cloudeer, eating a balanced, clean meal super important and one close to the heart. Our favourite kind of dinner.

I learned this recipe from a temple via a Cantonese chef. It’s Simple, and full of energy, the steam rice if full of flavour and best served with seasonal and fresh vegetable. Very good for your digestive system.

For the benefit of the environment but also for your own health, it is recommended that you choose eco-friendly and organic foods where you can. This includes always opting for environmentally friendly alternatives, pesticide- free and free from additives and chemicals.

I want both everyone's mind and body to be as healthy as can be.

Steamed Rice
2 cups White rice mixed with brown rice (any rice you have or want to use)
Any Root Vegetable, half strips, diced (I usually use boiled Purple Sweet Potato or Taro)
1 Cup Fresh Beans (I use Black Eyed Beans, Canned beans. If Fresh beans soak in water overnight.)
Coconut oil, one tablespoon (may be omitted)
a pinch of salt
Water for the Rice (1 cup rice = 1 cup water)

After washing the rice, add the water and salt. On top of the rice add next to the Root vegetable. The next layer is your beans. Then finally on top add some coconut oil. After cooking, Leave for an extra 10 minutes before opening the lid.

Fried Cabbage Recipe
3 spoons vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, chopped (may be omitted)
1 chili, chopped (may be omitted)
1⁄4 Cabbage cut up
50ml of clean water (may be omitted)
Salt for taste

Put the vegetable oil, chili, garlic and cabbage in a pot together. If you just washed your cabbage you don’t need to add the water, if its dry, however, add the water. Put a lid on and cook on a small flame and steam 5 minutes, mixing once or twice. Add salt mixing again and then simmer on low for an extra 2 minutes.

Stir-fried spinach recipe
3 spoons vegetable oil
1 bunch spinach
2-3 cloves, garlic chopped (may be omitted)
1 Chilli chopped (may be omitted)

Put the spinach in a small stockpot, top up the boiling water and boil for five minutes. Make sure the spinach is hot. In another pan add the oil, chili, and garlic in and saute. Next, make sure the spinach is dry then put it in the same pan with your sauteed oil garlic and chili and mix.

Main Course | 簡單、清爽的一餐。

妳/ 你心中的大餐是什麼呢?

對 Cloudeer 來說,能吃到營養均衡的乾淨飯食,就是大餐!

和大家分享 Cloudeer 從僧院的廚房和廣東廚子學來的蒸飯食譜,簡單、充滿能量的蒸飯風味十足,搭配時令蔬菜一起吃,就是清爽好消化的一餐。


2 杯白米混糙米(任何米都可以)
半條 切丁耕莖類(也可放一條或是不同種類混合,我常用耐煮的紫地瓜或是芋頭。)
1 杯 豆子(我用米豆/ 黑眼豆,罐頭豆亦可。新鮮豆泡水一夜後放入。)
1 湯匙 椰子油 (可多也可省略)
少許 鹽巴 
1 只 電鍋


3 匙 植物油
1 瓣 蒜頭 切碎(可省略)
1 根 辣椒 切碎(可省略)
¼ 顆 高麗菜 切塊
50ml 清水(可省略)
少許 鹽巴
1 只 加蓋小湯鍋


3 匙 植物油
1 把 菠菜
2-3 瓣 蒜頭 切碎(可省略)
1 根 辣椒 切碎(可省略)
少許 鹽巴

1 壺 滾水
2 只 小湯鍋


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