Breakfast|Cooked muesli as a Winter warmer to start your day right!

清晨5:33:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Cooked muesli as a Winter warmer to start your day right!(中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)

Now winter has settled in, a nice warm bowl of cooked muesli and oats is the best way to start your day - and the best part is it's healthy, simple and delicious.

Head down to your local organic supermarket, in my case I buy all my muesli, nuts and oats from Terra Madre in Merri right here in Melbourne. Terra Madre has quite a large selection of mueslis, nuts and oats (vegan and gluten free friendly).

Another thing that I really enjoy about Terra Madre is that all of there selections come packaging free. This allows you to bring your own reusable bags from home and reuse and recycle old jars and containers to store them in, leaving your kitchen and pantry looking beautiful and cutting your waste down down down!

Basically, my morning routine follows,

Take 1/2 half cup (or more) of the muesli of my choice and a 1/2 cup of gluten free oats and add 1/2 a cup of your choice of vegan milk alternative (see recepie for our soy milk here). If you enjoy a more milk consistency-add more milk.

Then cook on a small - medium flame for a few minutes until it boils, stirring occasionally. That's it! A beautiful healthy warm nutritious breakfast that takes no time at all!


燕麥的好處多多,光是一小碗的燕麥就等於一大盤的蔬菜,是腸胃的清道夫,並有益於瘦身,大家應該也熟悉,燕麥有降血壓、血脂、血糖的功效,並且還有豐富的 β 葡聚醣能改善免疫系統、維生素 B6 提高血清素,不僅能防癌、抗癌,另外還有緩解宿醉的功能,因為燕麥有助於吸收血液裡的酒精,燕麥有太多的優點,有興趣的朋友可以Google一下。

每週我必定去一趟,位於Northcote的Terra Madre,這是我最喜歡的有機超市,這裡有販售各種有機、無包裝的堅果、燕麥、巧克力、五穀雜糧、蔬菜等食材,你可以自己攜帶包裝袋,或是用店家提供的紙袋,裝自己要的份量,最後再將這些大包小包帶去櫃檯結帳。

Terra Madre提供大約7 - 10種不同種類的燕麥和穀片。在此要跟大家說,燕麥本身是不含麩質(Gluten)的,但由於在耕種或是處理的過程有可能會交叉感染,所以麩質過敏者在選購上要格外小心。我喜歡Terra Madre的無麩質生燕麥、果乾生燕麥,我會加上我自己低溫烘烤的堅果和自製植物奶(豆漿作法看這裡)(米漿、豆漿、堅果奶、燕麥奶皆為植物奶),若喜歡黏稠口感的朋友,記得不要加太多植物奶,將材料混合後,一人份煮約3-5分鐘即可,煮太久燕麥的營養會不見唷!


Terra Madre
103 High Street
Northcote, VIC, 3070
03 9489 5824
Open 8:30 am – 7:30 pm

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Review | Norman Westberg - 13 at Monash University Museum of Art 16 April 2016

凌晨1:29:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Norman Westberg - 13(中文下拉)

Today was Record Store Day, with record stores all across Melbourne holding gigs. I myself am a very big Swans and had saw that Sound Spaces and Room40 was bringing out Swans very own Guitarist Norman Westberg for a free gig at Monash University Museum of Art. As I sat down, I put in my earplugs in and the show was beginning.

The stage was very minimal, alongside his guitar stood two amplifier stacks and a tall white table for his pedals. Norman played a very beautiful set, filled with delay ridden drones and soundscapes. Using his guitar, Norman created loops that felt as if they were circulating around the room. The sound encaptured the entire audience- around 50 people, with many closing their eyes for the set.

After 25 minutes the show finished, leaving everyone wanting more. A few people stayed around to chat with Norman. I told him that last time Swans played Taipei was incredible, and they should come back again. He told me hopefully they might be back after their new album is released (17th June). He was very gentle and quiet, and let me take a photo saying hello to Taiwan. Also very cute, he told me he finished the gig early because the lights were too bright for his eyes- but he really liked todays sounds.

After we finished our conversation, I saw a cute older woman who was very amazed by his music. She didn't know who Norman or Swans were, but norman still hung out and thanked her, it was very sweet.

Norman Westberg - 13 (Here)

墨爾本是音樂之城,在今天尤其熱鬧,全城的唱片行都擠滿了許多的促銷活動和免費演出,這是一個樂迷和收藏家最喜歡的日子—Record Store Day。我捨棄了這個重大節慶,並前往離市區有段距離的蒙納市大學附設MUMA藝術中心,觀賞Norman Westberg(Swans的吉他手)的免費演出。






Norman Westberg - 13…/559256-norman-westberg-13

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Promotion Write Up | OVDS / The Parallel EP 序

清晨5:35:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

2014年5月30日,OVDS推出以Drum n Bass、Trap、Hardcore、Dubstep、Progressive等此派樂曲所貫徹而成的首張專輯"HEARTBREAK RESISTANCE"《心碎電阻》。這張經典的專輯問世後,除了讓台灣的電子音樂現場變得更加豐富之外,也讓OVDS一舉成名受到國際的注目,這兩年來他們受邀巡迴的足跡遍佈世界各地,如:美國( 德州、紐約、紐澤西、華頓、波士頓、費城、巴爾的摩、威明頓 )、日本(東京、埼玉、千葉、名古屋、大阪、神戶、京都) 、中國(香港、廣州、深圳)法國(留尼旺)等地。

《The Parallel》EP是OVDS在2015-16年間,分別在法國留尼旺島、德國柏林、日本東京、台灣等地編寫、錄製而成。具有高度辨識性的首曲〈Dictator Of The Night〉以Progressive Breaks作為輪廓,揉進了Grime, Trap元素,並使用了節奏詭譎的銳舞元素,企圖打破舞曲規則;主打歌〈The Parallel〉是一首洋溢著青春的夏末舞曲,令人直接想起《The Smashing Pumpkins》的經典之作〈1979〉—雙主唱提供熟悉的聲調,分別說唱著人(巡)生(迴)中,那些苦大於甜的脆弱與堅強、失落和希望,而明亮、層次分明的鼓打貝斯細膩地則是錯落在孤寂的主旋律之間,誠摯而悅耳。


早先DJ KlTrust曾為國內、外樂團製作過許多混音,而〈Future Game〉則是OVDS以樂團名義推出的首支混音作品,工業扭曲的Brostep聲響延續了首張專輯《心碎電阻》的強烈風格,能量高張且藥味十足;結尾曲〈OVDS〉則是難得一見的「不插電」範本,由主唱Gioreno與Kails重新編曲填詞,並邀來《Utopia 世外桃源》主唱閻韋伶一同詮釋這迷濛抒情新版〈OVDS〉。

《The Parallel》EP有著一股青春的悵然,就像是派對通宵到清晨,景色從低傳真變成高傳真。日光挾持著人質跳上計程車,在穿越場域的路程與漂浮之間,有著邊緣性格的朋友突然坦白,說了一些不是煩惱的的煩惱,而你想起一直想要卻從沒實現的公路旅行,夢中人仍醒不來。你要司機關掉不合時宜的歌,最後你選擇獨自下車。

OVDS - The Parallel [Official Music Video] - YouTube

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Drinks | Organic Homemade Soy Milk

凌晨2:43:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Organic homemade soy milk(中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)

Hey everyone, back here to share with you a very delicious, nutritious and simple recipe for home made Soy Milk. By using a simple nut bag you can very easily make your own vegan milk alternative to enjoy with your breakfast muesli or coffee this winter.

2 Cups (200g) of Organic Soy Bean. The ratio for Soy bean to water should always be 1:4.
2 x 8 Cups (800g) of Cold Clean Water
1/2 of a fresh Vanilla Pod (optional)
White Sugar, to taste (optional) *If you prefer brown sugar, Only add when you're using the milk, not during the cooking process.

Nut bag
food processor or Blender
Big saucepan
Wooden spoon

To start your soy milk, first get your 2 cups of soy beans and 8 cups of water, and place in a bowl and soak for 6 hours. Once you are able to that see the soybeans have expanded about twice their size they are ready.

Next drain the water from the soy beans and then remove the skins from the beans. this is a very tedious process, but try to have some fun with it. If you don’t want to remove the skin, this is OK, however soy skin is known to contain Purine, which has been linked to gout. Once you have removed the skins, again wash the soybeans with cold water and then move the beans to a processor or blender.

Once in the blender, add the second 8 cups of water and process the beans for 5 minutes, making sure they are very well mixed together and have a very smooth soy milk texture. The next step for making your soy milk is very important as you cannot drink your soy milk raw, this will lead to food poisoning and none of the nutrients have been extracted from the milk.

Take the mixture from the blender and place them in a nut bag or cheese cloth and drain them into a bowl or container. This process can also be done after cooking the beans, which creates a much stronger flavour. If you like, the left over soy powder from your bag can be used as a natural fertiliser for your garden, or saved to make Soy Bread, which we will show you how in the future.

Using your biggest saucepan, which should allow for three times as much volume as your soy milk, due to the blooming of the milk, add the soy milk to a medium flame. Lightly stir the milk over the flame until it comes to the boil, then change to a small flame and cook for 10 minutes. If you want to add white sugar or vanilla add this now. During the ten minutes, the soy milk will bubble and appear very large, however don’t worry just continue to cook and stir the milk- you don’t have to remove the bubbles!

During this process never place a lid on top, because you want the negative elements of the soy beans to be removed from your milk. After the 10 minutes take your milk off the flame and let it stand for some time before bottling or jarring it and placing it inside your fridge!





有機黃豆 兩杯(200g)黃豆和水的比例都是1:4
冷水 八杯(800g)x 2份

香草莢 半根(可省略)
白糖 適量(可省略)若要加黑 / 紅糖,必須在飲用前才加,若在煮時加入會產生變性沈澱物。

攪拌機 / 果汁機

兩杯(200g)黃豆對八杯(800g)冷水,將黃豆浸泡六小時後,直至黃豆膨漲至一倍大後,取出將水瀝乾,並有耐心地將黃豆去皮後。不去皮也行,但豆皮內含「普林」(英文:Purine),若腎臟代謝功能不佳恐形成尿酸,而造成痛風。去皮後的豆子用冷水沖過一遍後,將黃豆放入攪拌機 / 果汁機中再加入八杯(800g)冷水,至少攪打五分鐘以上,並確認均勻混合,成為濃密細緻的豆漿。此時的生豆漿絕對不能飲用,未煮熟的物質會引起食物中毒,並且無法完全釋出營養,必須徹底煮熟。




#soymilk #vegan #soy #soybean #Organicsoymilk #Cloudeer 

#Homemadesoymilk  #soyrecipe #easycook #drink #superfood #savecows #melbournevegan #nutbag #raw #glutenfree #veganmelbourne  #菜食 #豆漿 #中英文食譜 #豆漿食譜 #素食 #無麩質 #純素 #動物性不使用 #全食物 #健康  #輕食 #裸食

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