Dessert|A Conscious Mind- The perfect chia pudding

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A Conscious Mind- The perfect chia pudding 奇亞籽布丁(中英文食譜)
So good everyone has to try this out, and it's so simple too!
Just want to throw a big thank you to our good friend A Conscious Mind for the recipe. We love following her food journey and you can too at A Conscious Mind. Here is her recipe for a delicious and easy Chia Pudding. We just tried it out using Almond Milk, Chocolate bits, and Maple Syrup.

奇亞籽布丁是正餐也是甜點,營養價值高、熱量低還有幫助排便的功效,不僅非常容易製作,材料單純也很容易取得,尤其適合廚房新手和沒時間好好吃飯的人。奇亞籽布丁好吃的關鍵就是材料的「比例」,Cloudeer 試作的(好好吃)範本是參考 A Conscious Mind/ Plants 主廚 Lily Lin 所分享的「完美比例.奇亞籽布丁」食譜Cloudeer 手邊沒有花蜜,所以改用楓糖,另外混合了一些手邊剩下的純巧克力塊,上面再放了一些穀類、堅果、果乾和食用花。
希望大家也可以和我們分享你/ 妳的奇亞籽布丁!

A Conscious Mind- The perfect.chia pudding recipe
The perfect chia pudding \
makes \ 2 servings
2 cups homemade nut milk
1/4 cup chia seeds
2 Tablespoons coconut nectar
.whisk all ingredients together
.wait for the chia seeds to soak up takes about 20-30 mins
.serve right away or chill in the fridge for an hour
.top off with seasonal fruit, nuts, shredded coconut, rawnola and more coconut nectar

黃金比例奇亞籽布丁 \
份量 \ 兩人份
2 杯 自製堅果奶
1/4 杯 奇亞籽
2 湯匙 椰子花蜜
.等待奇亞籽吸滿堅果奶,大概20-30 分鐘

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