Sides | Vegan Kale Pesto

晚上10:36:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

5-15 minutes Cooking Vegan Simple Recipe / Vegan Kale Pesto (中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)

This is a speedy simple Pesto recipe, requiring little to no skill, which is great for everyone who is new in the kitchen. The ingredients can also easily be changed for seasonal green leafy vegetables such as carrot leaf, basil, spinach, broccoli etc. Today we are using Kale.

It’s always good to have Pesto in the fridge, it can be used for pasta, pizza, sandwiches or eaten as a dip.

Cloudeer chooses to eat only cooked food for Chinese medicine health reasons, therefore, has blanched/ steamed the kale. If you prefer raw, just skip the steam part, then cooking time would be less than 5 minutes!

1 Bunch/ handful Kale ( Cut small with stalk after washed)
1 Clove Garlic
1 handful Mix nuts (I used raw nuts that had been soaked overnight)
3 Tablespoon Pine Nuts
Half Tea Spoon of Good Salt and Black Paper
1/2-1cup Olive Oil
Some Lemon Juice ( optional)

1 Sauce Pan with Steamer and lid. (Raw kale pesto can skip)
1 Blender

1. (Raw kale pesto can skip this step. )
Put water in a kettle and boil.
Wash Kale and cut into small pieces then put into the steamer.
Add boil water into the saucepan and start to steam kale with a lid on for around 8 minutes.

Add Kale, garlic, mix nuts, pine nuts, salt, black paper and olive oil into blender and pulse until everything are ground to desired consistency.

Now you’re done. Be sure to taste your pesto for a flavor to see if there is any extra of an ingredient you might need to add.

五/ 十五分鐘上桌 / 純素簡易食譜 / 無麩質/ 羽衣甘藍堅果松子青醬食譜



Cloudeer 一直在推廣熟食對身體的好處,所以這個食譜是蒸燙過的青醬,若妳/ 你喜歡裸食,那就跳過蒸的步驟,那烹調時間僅需要5 分鐘。祝好運!

一把 羽衣甘藍(可替換成任何手邊的綠色蔬菜)
一瓣 蒜頭(五辛素者可省略)
三湯匙 松子(使用原味生堅果保持讓身體減少負擔,浸泡一晚還能讓身體更好吸收。)
一把 綜合堅果(腰果與杏仁果特別地適合此道青醬。)
半茶匙 好鹽(我用海鹽)
半茶匙 黑胡椒
適量 橄欖油(要能蓋過絞碎後的所有食材)
適量 檸檬汁(可省略)


1. (生食者跳過)



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