Main Course | A Simple Refreshing Meal.

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Main Course | A Simple Refreshing Meal.(中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)

Hey, what is one of your favourite dishes inside your heart?

For Cloudeer, eating a balanced, clean meal super important and one close to the heart. Our favourite kind of dinner.

I learned this recipe from a temple via a Cantonese chef. It’s Simple, and full of energy, the steam rice if full of flavour and best served with seasonal and fresh vegetable. Very good for your digestive system.

For the benefit of the environment but also for your own health, it is recommended that you choose eco-friendly and organic foods where you can. This includes always opting for environmentally friendly alternatives, pesticide- free and free from additives and chemicals.

I want both everyone's mind and body to be as healthy as can be.

Steamed Rice
2 cups White rice mixed with brown rice (any rice you have or want to use)
Any Root Vegetable, half strips, diced (I usually use boiled Purple Sweet Potato or Taro)
1 Cup Fresh Beans (I use Black Eyed Beans, Canned beans. If Fresh beans soak in water overnight.)
Coconut oil, one tablespoon (may be omitted)
a pinch of salt
Water for the Rice (1 cup rice = 1 cup water)

After washing the rice, add the water and salt. On top of the rice add next to the Root vegetable. The next layer is your beans. Then finally on top add some coconut oil. After cooking, Leave for an extra 10 minutes before opening the lid.

Fried Cabbage Recipe
3 spoons vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, chopped (may be omitted)
1 chili, chopped (may be omitted)
1⁄4 Cabbage cut up
50ml of clean water (may be omitted)
Salt for taste

Put the vegetable oil, chili, garlic and cabbage in a pot together. If you just washed your cabbage you don’t need to add the water, if its dry, however, add the water. Put a lid on and cook on a small flame and steam 5 minutes, mixing once or twice. Add salt mixing again and then simmer on low for an extra 2 minutes.

Stir-fried spinach recipe
3 spoons vegetable oil
1 bunch spinach
2-3 cloves, garlic chopped (may be omitted)
1 Chilli chopped (may be omitted)

Put the spinach in a small stockpot, top up the boiling water and boil for five minutes. Make sure the spinach is hot. In another pan add the oil, chili, and garlic in and saute. Next, make sure the spinach is dry then put it in the same pan with your sauteed oil garlic and chili and mix.

Main Course | 簡單、清爽的一餐。

妳/ 你心中的大餐是什麼呢?

對 Cloudeer 來說,能吃到營養均衡的乾淨飯食,就是大餐!

和大家分享 Cloudeer 從僧院的廚房和廣東廚子學來的蒸飯食譜,簡單、充滿能量的蒸飯風味十足,搭配時令蔬菜一起吃,就是清爽好消化的一餐。


2 杯白米混糙米(任何米都可以)
半條 切丁耕莖類(也可放一條或是不同種類混合,我常用耐煮的紫地瓜或是芋頭。)
1 杯 豆子(我用米豆/ 黑眼豆,罐頭豆亦可。新鮮豆泡水一夜後放入。)
1 湯匙 椰子油 (可多也可省略)
少許 鹽巴 
1 只 電鍋


3 匙 植物油
1 瓣 蒜頭 切碎(可省略)
1 根 辣椒 切碎(可省略)
¼ 顆 高麗菜 切塊
50ml 清水(可省略)
少許 鹽巴
1 只 加蓋小湯鍋


3 匙 植物油
1 把 菠菜
2-3 瓣 蒜頭 切碎(可省略)
1 根 辣椒 切碎(可省略)
少許 鹽巴

1 壺 滾水
2 只 小湯鍋


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