Review | Norman Westberg - 13 at Monash University Museum of Art 16 April 2016

凌晨1:29:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Norman Westberg - 13(中文下拉)

Today was Record Store Day, with record stores all across Melbourne holding gigs. I myself am a very big Swans and had saw that Sound Spaces and Room40 was bringing out Swans very own Guitarist Norman Westberg for a free gig at Monash University Museum of Art. As I sat down, I put in my earplugs in and the show was beginning.

The stage was very minimal, alongside his guitar stood two amplifier stacks and a tall white table for his pedals. Norman played a very beautiful set, filled with delay ridden drones and soundscapes. Using his guitar, Norman created loops that felt as if they were circulating around the room. The sound encaptured the entire audience- around 50 people, with many closing their eyes for the set.

After 25 minutes the show finished, leaving everyone wanting more. A few people stayed around to chat with Norman. I told him that last time Swans played Taipei was incredible, and they should come back again. He told me hopefully they might be back after their new album is released (17th June). He was very gentle and quiet, and let me take a photo saying hello to Taiwan. Also very cute, he told me he finished the gig early because the lights were too bright for his eyes- but he really liked todays sounds.

After we finished our conversation, I saw a cute older woman who was very amazed by his music. She didn't know who Norman or Swans were, but norman still hung out and thanked her, it was very sweet.

Norman Westberg - 13 (Here)

墨爾本是音樂之城,在今天尤其熱鬧,全城的唱片行都擠滿了許多的促銷活動和免費演出,這是一個樂迷和收藏家最喜歡的日子—Record Store Day。我捨棄了這個重大節慶,並前往離市區有段距離的蒙納市大學附設MUMA藝術中心,觀賞Norman Westberg(Swans的吉他手)的免費演出。






Norman Westberg - 13…/559256-norman-westberg-13

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