Breakfast|Cooked muesli as a Winter warmer to start your day right!

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Cooked muesli as a Winter warmer to start your day right!(中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)

Now winter has settled in, a nice warm bowl of cooked muesli and oats is the best way to start your day - and the best part is it's healthy, simple and delicious.

Head down to your local organic supermarket, in my case I buy all my muesli, nuts and oats from Terra Madre in Merri right here in Melbourne. Terra Madre has quite a large selection of mueslis, nuts and oats (vegan and gluten free friendly).

Another thing that I really enjoy about Terra Madre is that all of there selections come packaging free. This allows you to bring your own reusable bags from home and reuse and recycle old jars and containers to store them in, leaving your kitchen and pantry looking beautiful and cutting your waste down down down!

Basically, my morning routine follows,

Take 1/2 half cup (or more) of the muesli of my choice and a 1/2 cup of gluten free oats and add 1/2 a cup of your choice of vegan milk alternative (see recepie for our soy milk here). If you enjoy a more milk consistency-add more milk.

Then cook on a small - medium flame for a few minutes until it boils, stirring occasionally. That's it! A beautiful healthy warm nutritious breakfast that takes no time at all!


燕麥的好處多多,光是一小碗的燕麥就等於一大盤的蔬菜,是腸胃的清道夫,並有益於瘦身,大家應該也熟悉,燕麥有降血壓、血脂、血糖的功效,並且還有豐富的 β 葡聚醣能改善免疫系統、維生素 B6 提高血清素,不僅能防癌、抗癌,另外還有緩解宿醉的功能,因為燕麥有助於吸收血液裡的酒精,燕麥有太多的優點,有興趣的朋友可以Google一下。

每週我必定去一趟,位於Northcote的Terra Madre,這是我最喜歡的有機超市,這裡有販售各種有機、無包裝的堅果、燕麥、巧克力、五穀雜糧、蔬菜等食材,你可以自己攜帶包裝袋,或是用店家提供的紙袋,裝自己要的份量,最後再將這些大包小包帶去櫃檯結帳。

Terra Madre提供大約7 - 10種不同種類的燕麥和穀片。在此要跟大家說,燕麥本身是不含麩質(Gluten)的,但由於在耕種或是處理的過程有可能會交叉感染,所以麩質過敏者在選購上要格外小心。我喜歡Terra Madre的無麩質生燕麥、果乾生燕麥,我會加上我自己低溫烘烤的堅果和自製植物奶(豆漿作法看這裡)(米漿、豆漿、堅果奶、燕麥奶皆為植物奶),若喜歡黏稠口感的朋友,記得不要加太多植物奶,將材料混合後,一人份煮約3-5分鐘即可,煮太久燕麥的營養會不見唷!


Terra Madre
103 High Street
Northcote, VIC, 3070
03 9489 5824
Open 8:30 am – 7:30 pm

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