Interview | Gui Boratto @Taipei 美好的音樂旅程 HINOTER 獨家中英專訪完整版

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  • Dec 12 Wed 2012 16:56
Editor&Text:庫巧兔Cloudy Ku 文章出處:HINOTER映樂誌2012春季號
Translate:Thomas Hu、黑玲Black Bells、李佳純Sandy Lee Photo:黃威傑Wei-Chieh Huang、Kompakt Costume Sponsor:翠普文化Tripper 
在人生一大片的音樂風景中,每個人都確實的採集了那些片斷的各種記憶。那年我像果實一樣的被拾起在一個溫暖的籃中,那只籃子裡面裝載著和我一模一樣的人,直到現在果實不斷的增加,而滿溢的情感緩緩流瀉,我們的共同記憶就是Gui Boratto的音樂。
記得我在2007年在唱片行看到來自Kompakt的航空版《Chromophobia》時,訝異著Kompakt竟出了張色彩涵蓋所有顏色基調的專輯封面。因為那時候的Kompakt對我而言,是來自德國科隆兼具前衛設計與未來工業質感的電音品牌,他們的專輯封面總是簡約有力,封面用的色塊總是接近其漸層色階,而裡頭的音樂有時很俏皮可愛,有時具有心靈的想像空間,大多數的時候總還有點不可侵犯的距離。畢竟我不是在德國的音樂文化陶冶中出生吧!然而,Gui Boratto這張專輯卻充滿溫暖旭意,聆聽時胸口總有股淡淡的動人情懷,專輯曲目恰如其分的編排,情緒錯落有致,在那時我就深深愛上了他。
在這篇文字專訪中,我不斷的思考如何讓讀者以及Gui Boratto在對話裡面感受到最大的誠意,而專訪的信函好像一封情書似的,裡面小心翼翼的裝載著對他的瞭解以及好奇。很幸運的!風度翩翩的Gui Boratto也毫無保留的細心回答每個問題,獻給了台灣樂迷首次的獨家專訪。


A:我以前是吉他手也是鋼琴手,我花了超過12年學這兩個樂器。那時我同時開始幫我的樂團做製作,自然而然我開始用我爸送我的Roland MC-500, 同時也是我擁有的第一台編曲機做一些編曲,這是我爸在1989年送我的禮物。過了幾年我也開始幫其他樂團製作東西,15年過去了,我決定專注於自己的音樂事業。我的第一首暢銷作品“Arquipelago“推出以後開始有人找我混音。我也很高興曾經幫一些藝人做過不錯的混音,比如寵物店男孩(Pet Shop Boys)、強烈衝擊(Massive Attack)、猴塞雷迪斯可(Simian Mobile Disco)、Bomb the Bass、冰金樂團(Goldfrapp)、M.A.N.D.Y等等…

Goldfrapp - A & E (Gui Boratto Remix)

Simian Mobile Disco - Bad Blood (Gui Boratto Remix)

A:主要是硬體,但我也喜歡軟音源。我最愛的硬體有Roland SH-09/101、EMS-VCS-3、所有的Roland MKS音源(50/70/80)、Juno、Six Trak、PolySix、System-100、Nord Lead、所有的Roland 鼓機(TR-606/808/909 等等...)。軟體部分,我很愛Reaktor、Kontakt、還有一些Logic的native synths。全部東西都是用Logic編的。我現在也還在用ProTools硬體和Apogee音訊介面,一些D.I.,還有一對Adam喇叭等等。

Q5 :說真的“Chromophobia“顛覆了我們對於科技舞曲的刻板印象,當然那是好的方面。發行這張專輯對你的事業和私生活有什麼影響嗎?
A:有,尤其是“Beautiful Life“這首歌,讓我的聽眾數量成長很多。因為這張專輯我開始到世界各地巡迴。我對專輯的成果很滿意。

Gui Boratto - Beautiful Life


Andre Sobota - Forgotten

Q7:我們非常喜歡你為強烈衝擊的Paradise Circus和Bomb the Bass的Black River混音。當初怎麼有機會做這兩首歌的,起因跟機緣我們很好奇。
A:起先是作老團Bomb the Bass,團長Tim Simenonlai來找我,做了這首之後他邀我一起製作Bomb the Bass的新專輯。他到巴西兩個禮拜,我們一起作曲製作。強烈衝擊則是EMI公司的人來找我,我很喜歡原曲,給了我很多靈感。我錄了吉他和貝斯,強烈衝擊的團員Grant和Rob對成果相當滿意。

Bomb The Bass - Black River (Gui Boratto Remix)


Massive Attack - Paradise Circus (Gui Boratto Remix)




A:筆電、音訊介面、AKAI APC 40 控制器和一台Lemur。很簡潔也可以完整表達我的現場表演


Q15:有些人紓壓的方式是聽音樂或看現場演出。Gui Boratto都做什麼,你私底下都如何紓壓?


Q17:Take My Breath Away的封面設計背後有什麼故事?

Q18:我們感受到你在Take My Breath Away傳達的愛,朋友們對No Turning Back的歌詞則各有自己的解釋。你自己對歌詞的解釋是什麼?加上音樂之後,你想表達的是哪一種情緒?



A:我很喜歡麥可布雷(Michael Bublé),其他搖滾樂團如悲鳴樂團(Klaxons),還有一些探戈和波麗露(Bolero)舞曲。



Q24: 推薦聖保羅一些地點給台灣朋友吧!有沒有不錯的Live House、小酒館或餐廳?或是任何值得一去的地方。
A:我們先專注在餐廳。我喜歡的有Ici Bistro(我最愛的法國餐廳),Le Vin也是很好的法國餐廳。然後Nagayama(在Consolação路),聖保羅最棒的日本餐廳,你一定要坐吧台找Armando,巴西最棒的壽司師傅,我超推薦這家。

A:非常興奮第一次到台灣演出,我在這邊邀請大家來聽我的音樂,從過去、現在到未來(有一些未發表的作品)...Let’s go!謝謝你們,Gui!
以下都是我個人最喜歡的Gui Boratto個人單曲以及混音作品,聽聽看!
 Gui Boratto - No Turning Back
Battles - Wall Street (Gui Boratto Remix) taken from Dross Glop

Pet Shop Boys-Love Etc (Gui Boratto Remix)

Gui Boratto - The Drill


Within life's great landscape of musical encounters, everyone has definitely collected those bits and pieces of memories. That year, I was like a fruit being carried in a warm basket, and that basket was filled with people like me, and eventually the basket was so full of fruit that all sorts of emotions started pouring out. That collective memory of ours is the music of Gui Boratto.
I remember when I saw an imported copy of Kompakt's Chromophobia in the record shop back in 2007, I was in awe by Kompakt's use of colors that included all of the basic color tones on their album cover. At that time, for me, Kompakt was an electronic brand from Cologne, Germany that had both avant-garde designs and futuristic industrial concepts. Their albums were always minimalistic. Their choice of cover art color palette were always in the same tone, but varying in gradient, or shade. The music within, were at times cute and mischievious, sometimes possessing qualities of spiritual imagination. Most of the time though, that inviolable distance. After all, I am not a person who was born into the cultivation of German music. The emergence of Gui Boratto's album is filled with the most sincere of warmth. When listening, I can always feel this emotion that moves me. The song list order is arranged just right, tickling my emotions. It was then I fell in love with him!
During this correspondence interview, I thought repeatedly about how to let the readers and Gui Borrato himself seem more sincere. When I sent the interview correspondence letter, I really felt like I was sending a love letter, enclosed with 25 carefully thought out questions of interest and curiosity! Fortunately, the charming and gentlemanly Gui Borrato answered each question without reservation, an exclusive first interview for the fans in Taiwan!
1. We know you used to be a guitarist in a band and we can definitely hear some rock elements in your music. That is also why your fans are slightly different from regular EDM music fans. Can you tell us about your rock music career?
Gui:Guitar and piano are my main instruments. I used to play guitar in some bands when I was young, but I did not have a proper career. Speaking about my different audience, yes, I guess because of my rock influence I have a slightly different crowd, which I love it. It's good to have different tribes on a festival. Definitely, my listeners are not 100% techno head bangers.

2. How much time do you spend on music everyday, whether practicing or producing?
Gui:It's like a disease. I pretty much stay all day in the studio, playing around, doing some music, remixing, whatever. Even if I go to the beach for more then 3, 4 days, I used to bring my laptop to scrap some little ideas.

3. When did you start remixing? How did you transform from guitarist
to producer?
Gui:I was a guitar and piano player. I've studied both for more then 12 years. Meanwhile, I've started to produce some music for my band that time, and naturally started to program things on my first sequencer. A Roland MC-500, a gift from my father on 1989. Then, some years passed and I've also started to produce things for other bands. Only after 15 years doing that, I've decided to be more focus on my own music. Right after my first techno hit release, "Arquipélago", people started to request some remixes from my side. I'm glad that I did some nice remixes for people like Pet Shop Boys, Massive Attack, Simian Mobile Disco, Bomb The Bass, Goldfrapp, M.A.N.D.Y etc...

4. What gear do you use to make music?
Gui:A lot of hardware mainly. But I love soft synths as well. My favorite hardware are, SH-09, 101, EMS-VCS-3, All MKS Roland modules (50, 70 & 80), Juno, Six Trak, PolySix, System-100, NordLead, all Roland drum machines (TR-606, 808, 909 etc...) Speaking about software, I really love Reaktor, Kontakt, and some Logic native synths.Everything is programmed thru Logic. I still use my ProTools hardware with Apogee audio interfaces. Some D.I.s, and a pair of Adam Monitors.That's it.

5. "Chromophobia" really subverted our impression of you from TECHNO,in a good way of course. Has the release of this album made any impact to your career or personal life?
Gui:Yes, especially the song "Beautiful Life", which made my audience grow a lot. Because of this album, I started to tour all corners of the planet. I'm very happy about the result of this album.

6. We often hear your work in the form of remixes, but we also want to hear more of your mixtapes. Are there any plans on putting out new mix-albums?
Gui:Well, everybody knows that I'm not a DJ. I really like to do the Renaissance mix compilation though. But I really prefer to be more focus on my own music. Mainly in the studio or playing my songs live.

7. We really like the remix you did on Massive Attack's Paradise Curcus and Black River from Bomb The Bass. On what occasion did you have the opportunity to make these remixes?We'd really like to know. 
Gui:Bomb the Bass came first. Tim Simenon came to me and after doing that,he asked me to get together and produce the new Bomb The Bass album together. He came to Brazil and we stayed for 2 weeks composing andproducing.The Massive request came from the guys from EMI. I loved the original and got inspired a lot. I recorded the guitars and the bass line.Grant and Rob from Massive were very happy with the final result. That was the story.

8. Do you, like Massive Attack, have any message you want to bring forth? For example, any political or social issues?
I love the music from them. To be honest, I'm not really into political issues. For me, music and the relations between harmony and
melody use to make me cry, not political messages. On the other hand,I think these kind of messages are very important and make people think at the time of their votes, for example.

9. Can you tell us how the EDM scene is in Brazil?
Brazil has the most amazing clubs of the planet, but the scene here is becoming very cheesy and commercial in all senses.
I miss some old clubs and venues where people used to be there only because of good music. Now, people want to see and to be seen. Sad,sad, sad....

10. The Taiwanese and the Brazilians have one thing in common:
Passion! But passion is a very broad word. Do you think Brazil is a place full of passion?
Gui:Of course. Everything we do has a lot of passion. Food, Football,Music, etc!!!!!

11. It is our custom to ask about your impression of Asia. It would be great if you can tell us what you feel about Taiwan!
Gui:Can't tell. It's going to be my first time there!

12. We believe that in this tour it will be the first time for many to hear your music or see your performance. How do you distinguish your performance from other professional DJs?
Gui:As you might know, I don't DJ. I play live, and 100% of my own productions. My own music or my remixes for other artists.
This is a big difference. The good thing is that I can improvise,experiment things on the fly that is quite impossible for a regular
DJ. But it's not comparable. The art of DJing is another story. A beautiful story I can say. And art I really cannot do it. Not as a
professional DJ.

13. What gear do you use in your live performance?
Gui:A laptop, audio interface, a controller and a Lemur. Very simple. Very
kompakt :-) 

14. We know that you sometimes incorporate live guitarists in your performance, will Taiwan be able to see this performance in the
Gui:Why not. But for this tour, I'll be alone. Alone but full of excitement.

15. Some people relieve stress by listening to music or attending liveperformances. What does Gui Boratto do? How do you relieve stress?
Gui:I make music. I draw things. I love movies. Yes, movies is one of my favorite stress relieves.

16. Can you give some advice to young creators? How do you balance time between music-making and other affairs?
Gui:I believe a true dedication is the key. I know it's hard to make music a living work, in terms of money etc. But dedication is the key to really become somebody in this truly competitive world.

17. Is there any meaning/story behind the cover-art of "Take My Breath Away"?
Gui:The message is the kids, with masks and the fake flowers. The environment seems to be nice, but it's just too fake. All flowers are plastic ones. And the kids are sick and tired of that. It's a critic in all senses. All terms: politics, music, pollution, social
relations, everything.

18. We feel your expression of love in ''Take My Breath Away'.' Our friends each have different interpretations of the lyrics in ''No
Turning Back." What is your interpretation of the lyrics? Combined with music, what specific emotion are you trying to express?
Gui:Well, the lyrics are so general that it causes different interpretations for each one. So, let's keep it like this.
That's what I wanted to cause. Depending on the mood of each one, that song can be happy. Depending, it can be really sad. I love when it happens.

19. The common conception of electronic is that it is cold and indifferent. Your music however conveys a sense of healing. Have you
ever had any rebellious periods in your youth? If there was, what sort experience was that?
Gui:I came from rock. I'm a guitar player. I really cannot stand listening pure techno for 6 hours. I really need something else. Some melodies.This is a true slap in my face. I need to feel something. Good or bad.

20. In another interview, you said that "Chromophobia" was not an album designed for the dance floor. You also mentioned that you are not a dancing person. Yet nowadays everyone in the clubs are dancing to your music. Did this phenomenon create any impact on you?
Gui:I was expecting that. But honestly, I see people on the dance floor listening to my music more then dancing. I see they are enjoying and paying a lot of attention. That really makes me happy. My music are not explosive. But something to feel and something that takes you to a different level.

21. What kind of music are you listening to lately? Can you recommend any artists or bands that you like?
Gui:I really like Michael Buble, some rock bands like Klaxons, some tangos and boleros.

22. I personally feel that your new album is a continuation of "Chromophobia." it has very heady emotions. We were excited ever
since your new single was open for download. Please say something about your new album!
Gui:You are totally right. It's a continuation. But "III" has more of my rock and roll vain. It's a bit more introspective, but sometimes more aggressive. For me, "III" is my favorite album so far.

23. You are a song-writer, producer, musician, gourmet, architect and a father. You were also once an architecture student. How are you enjoying life so far? Are you looking forward to the food in Taiwan?Also, what are your future plans?
Gui:Food is really important. Im a total foodie. Im really looking for to go to some nice restaurants in China. I adore the asian cuisine and I can't wait to be there. I love spices, I love fish, I love the combination of these elements on the asian dishes. Future plans? Maybe setup a little restaurant here in São Paulo? A fish one.

24. Can you recommend places in São Paulo for Taiwanese tourists traveling there? Are there any live houses, bars or restaurants that
Gui:you recommend?Let's focus on the restaurants. My favorites are: "Ici Bistrot" (my fav. french one in town). "Le Vin", also a really nice french. And Nagayama (Al. Consolação). The best japanese in town. But you need to sit on the bar, and ask Armando, the best sushiman in Brazil. I super recommend.

25. Lastly, please say something to your fans in Taiwan!
Gui:Really excited to be there, for the first time. I invite all of you to hear some of my music, from the past, present and some from the future (unreleased stuff)... Let's go! Kisses, Gui!!!!!

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