Main Course | Vegan Hot Pot

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10 or 60 minutes Cooking Vegan Simple Recipe / Vegan Hot Pot 蔬食火鍋(中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)
I’ve Always loved hot pot because it’s so easy to cook and very healthy for the body.

Today we wanted to eat something fresh and clean, using the flavors of the veggies as the hero of the soup.

We commonly used four different hotpot soup bases. All varieties are very simple and have a great refreshing taste.

1. Cooking Time: 1 hour- a simple version of red and white Carrot soup base: After cutting a red and white carrot, add cold water and boil for one hour. After one hour add one tablespoon of Salt (less you make a smaller soup).

2. Cooking time: 1 hour - Rich version of red and white Carrot soup base: cut red and white Carrot, then also cut and add corn, tomatoes, and dried mushrooms. Boil for one hour and again- add required amount of Salt.

3. Cooking time 10 minutes - tomato soup base: Put the tomato and all the hot pot ingredients together in a pot to boil, add a tea/ tablespoon of salt to serve.

4. Kimchi soup base: You can use the above three kinds of soup to make soup base (add salt to the soup base), add two spoons of kimchi, boil and stir to serve.

For our soup, we used two different colors of carrot, corn, tomatoes and dry mushrooms- cooking for an hour to build the soup, then after one hour adding one spoon of salt.

For our hot pot set up, we used Chinese cabbage as a base in the pot and then Added a mix of 6 different kinds of mushrooms, okra, Taro, tofu, tofu skin and some Asian greens. But you can put any vegetables or ingredients that you think would taste delicious.

After a while, we also decided to add in some green bean noodles on our second addition of more soup.

We have a pot that is split into two sections, so today one side had original flavor soup and the second we added some kimchi to the soup broth for a more spicy flavor.

We also made some sauce to go with it and tried to makes these as healthy as possible. We had fresh chili and coriander, Japanese sesame sauce and a mix of vegan mayonnaise and soy sauce. 

Vegan Hot Pot 蔬食火鍋




這頓是Cloudeer 要招待當晚要回英國的日籍和澳籍友人的午晚餐,在這之前,這兩人已被澳洲垃圾食物的摧殘數週,在晚上的長途飛行前,就想吃點像是火鍋這種新鮮乾淨(不會便秘)的東西,順便淨化沈澱身心。希望你/ 妳也會喜歡今天的簡易食譜。Cheers, m8.

Cloudeer 常用的四種火鍋湯底,其實都是互相通用的簡單清爽口味。

1. 烹調時間1小時——簡易版紅白蘿蔔湯底:滾刀切紅白蘿蔔後,加冷水滾一小時後一湯匙鹽巴後即可使用。

2. 烹調時間1小時——豐盛版紅白蘿蔔湯底:滾刀切紅白蘿蔔,玉米、番茄切塊,乾香菇掰碎,加冷水滾一小時後一湯匙鹽巴後即可。

3. 烹調時間10分鐘——番茄湯底:將番茄和所有火鍋材料一起放入鍋中煮到滾,加入一茶/ 湯匙鹽巴即可上桌。

4. 泡菜湯底:可使用以上兩種湯頭作湯底(湯底須加鹽),加入兩匙泡菜,攪拌後煮滾即可上桌。




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