Dessert|Organic Quinoa Dark Chocolate 有機藜麥巧克力

下午4:09:00 Cloudy 1 Comments

Dessert|Organic Quinoa Dark Chocolate 有機藜麥巧克力
I love Quinona and Chocolate. (中英文食記 / 中文下拉)

Quinoa is a have high protein superfood, and chocolate if without sugar who basically is a health food as well.

Actually, I really care chocolate made form, because most of them are form unfair trade, as you know — coffee beans. So I got these two babies form ‘’ fair-trade ‘’

—Pico|Quinoa & Cranberry 80g $6.95 $5.95

Organic dark chocolate sweetened with coconut nectar, which is my favorite. 63% cacao made form a blend of Peruvian with juice dry cranberry and crisp quinoa pieces are absolutely make up, crunch and dangerous.

Made by Australia. Organic, fair-trade, soy and gluten free, no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, no emulsifiers, non-GMO, vegan.

— Alter Eco|Organic Dark Chocolate - Quinoa 80g

Alter Eco Dark Quinoa chocolate has a light crispy crunch, an artisan update on a nostalgic childhood treat. Organically grown, fair trade, GMO-free, gluten free. 60% cocoa.

Made by Country of origin: Switzerland. Organically grown, fairly traded, Vegan, Soy free, No artificial flavours or emulsifiers.

有 機 藜 麥 巧 克 力





-Pico | Quinoa&Cranberry 80g


這個是我覺得最好吃的,有時候有機超市可以買到即將過期的對折價格,折扣後約可買到$ 3澳幣,原價 $ 6.95,目前官網也有折扣,是$ 5.95。
— Alter Eco|Organic Dark Chocolate - Quinoa 80g

Alter Eco Dark是黑巧克力配上脆脆的藜麥,原產地:瑞士。 60% 可可、有機種植、公平貿易、無基改、無麩質和黃豆、無人工香料及乳化劑。


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Main Course | Crispy Enoki mushrooms with Special Sauce Noodles

凌晨1:33:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Crispy Enoki mushrooms with Special Sauce Noodles / 15 minutes Cooking Vegan Simple Recipe (中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)

Depending on what neck of the woods you live in, Spring and Autumn are both coming. Today we would like to share a very delicious, very light, fresh and easy dish, using one of our favourite ingredients- Mushrooms! This recipe requires very little skill but when you serve it to your guest, they will all be shocked, because or how very beautiful and fancy the dish looks. This should take around 15 minutes to create. Best part is its simple delicious and quite cheap! Enjoy.

Serves 2 (If you want more, Just double the recipe as is).
1 Packet Of Organic Soba Noodles (Any other dry noodle will work with this recipe)
1 Tablespoon Sesame Oil (optional)

1 Packet of Enoki Mushrooms, Washed and separated.
1 Shallot
Natural Oil.

1 Tablespoon Chili Oil*
1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce
1 Tablespoon White Vinegar
2 Tablespoon Vegetarian Oyster Sauce
2 Tablespoons Hot Water
1 Teaspoon Raw Sugar

1 Bowl ( for sauce)
1 Small Saucepan (for chill sauce)
1 Big Saucepan (for noodles)
1 Shallow frypan (for mushroom and shallot)
1 Strainer
Kitchen Paper Tower

* Homemade Chili Oil
2 Chili (cut to small)
4 Spring Onion (each 5-8cm, cut to small)
50-100 ml Natural Oil.

The sauce part of this recipe calls for use of Chili oil. Here, we have included a very simple and easy way to create your own chili oil to use for this recipe.

Firstly, put about 50mL of oil to a saucepan over a low flame. While the oil is heating up, take about 5 finger long spring onion leaves and 2 finely chopped chilies. When the oil is hot place the spring onion and chillies in the oil for about 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, take the oil off the heat and remove the chilies and spring onion with a strainer, keeping only the oil. Once you’ve made your chili oil, mix this this together with all the other sauce ingredients and that is your sauce done!

Now that your sauce is ready it is time to move onto the main part of this dish, our mushrooms and noodles. Wash and prepare your mushrooms (pull apart into individual strands). Heat up some oil in a small shallow fry pan on medium heat and slowly add little amounts of the mushrooms to the pan and allow them to slow fry. Once the mushrooms are golden and crispy, use some tongs to move the mushrooms to some kitchen towel to dry. After your mushrooms are done, boil a kettle of water to cook your soba noodles in. Next, dice the shallots and fry using the same pan. Fry these off until they are also golden and crispy, transporting to the kitchen towel as well.

Once your kettle has boiled, place the water over a large flame in a large saucepan and add you Soba to cook. Watch your noodles, once the water rises, turn the flame down to low. Most packaged noodles will have a recommended cook time, however for this recipe we recommend you take the noodles off the flame and drain the water about half a minute or one minute earlier than the recommended time. Once drained, place the noodles in a bowl and mix with the sesame oil.

All that’s left now is to plate up and enjoy. This recipe serves around 2 people. Get two bowls, place the noodles in the bowls and add some sauce and mix. Next place some crispy mushroom and shallots on the top. We hope you find this meal simple and delicious and can try it out very soon and enjoy. Just like we did at Cloudeer.

摩登菇菇拌醬汁乾麵|15分鐘上桌 / 50元料理 /純素乾麵

這是一道無需烹飪技術, 成品看起來非常高級、媲美餐廳的50元兩人份料理,這道金針菇不裹麵衣、不高溫油炸、辣油自製,是健康的料理,只要十五分鐘即可完成,趕快學起來跟家人炫技。(目測150-200元)

把金針菇煸成像是秋天的顏色擺盤,是當代摩登餐廳最時髦的做法之一,我們將它與特調醬汁、自製辣油、 紅蔥頭與乾麵拌在一塊吃,這道純素料理,嚐起來比海味還鮮美噢!


一顆 紅蔥頭--切片
一包 金針菇--一根根撕開

兩人份 麵條 (若能直接去市場買新鮮的最好,別忘了自備容器去裝。)
一湯匙 麻油(或香油)(可省略)

一湯匙 醬油
一湯匙 白醋
一湯匙 辣油*(怕辣可省略替換成青蔥油,辣油作法改成青蔥加薑即可。)
兩湯匙 素食蠔油
兩湯匙 熱水
一茶匙 二號砂糖


兩根 辣椒(切碎)
四根 青蔥(只取青蔥,每根約5-8公分長即可,切小段即可。)
50-100 ml 植物油

一只 小碗 (醬料)
一只 小湯鍋(製作辣椒油)
一只 平底鍋 (炸、煸紅蔥頭和金針菇)
一只 湯鍋 (煮麵)
一只 瀝油網






#10minutemeal #mushroom #enoki #mushy #vegan #veganlife #maincourse #soba #noodle #crispy #chilioil #friedenoki #crispyenoki #melbournevegan #vegetarian #meatfree #easydiner #simplecook #homecook #homechef #specialsauce #菜食 #中英文食譜 #蘑菇食譜 #素食 #乾麵 #純素 #動物性不使用 #健康 #輕食 #金針菇 #乾麵食譜

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Sides | Vegan Burmese Chickpea Tofu.

凌晨2:49:00 Cloudy 0 Comments

Vegan Burmese Chickpea Tofu.(Soy Free, Dairy Free and Gluten Free)
15 minutes Cooking Vegan Simple Recipe / 中英文食譜 / 中文下拉

Although Cloudeer has been trying to quit tofu for the last few months, as a result of a GMO issue and advice from our Chinese doctor- we still really love tofu and need to find a way to replace it in some of our dishes as a natural protein supplement. A good way to overcome this is by substituting your common tofu made from soy, to a very simple, homemade tofu made entirely of water and Chickpea flour (almost).

Our first timing trying Chickpea tofu was at a good friends’ house and they had made a beautiful tofu curry. We were shocked to discover that this tofu contained no animal products at all and was entirely vegan as it has such a beautiful flavor like that of an egg tofu. Our friend then showed us how to make it and we were so shocked with how simple and delicious this really is! Just 10-15 minutes is all you really need for this one (plus 1hr+ to wait for the Tofu to solidify).

Serves 4 (If you want more, Just double the recipe as is).

1 Cup of Chickpea (Besan) Flour (1 cup =140gram)
1 Teaspoon of Salt
¼ Teaspoon of Ground Turmeric.
3 Cups of Water (divided)

1 Bowl
1 Saucepan.
1 Container or Lunch box.
1 Teaspoon of Neutral Oil

1) Combine all the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix together. While mixing, add 1 ½ cups of water and mix until the mixture becomes smooth.

2) Make sure your container or lunch box is dry and clean, then use some neutral oil to grease the inside of the container.

3) Bring the remaining 1 ½ cups of water to the boil and turn to medium heat

4) Return to the chickpea tofu mixture and be sure to stir again to insure it hasn’t split, then while stirring with a wooden spoon, slowly add it to the boiling water.

5) Lower the heat to medium-low and continuously stir the mixture until it becomes smooth, glossy and very thick, this usually takes around 5-10 minutes.

6) Once Smooth, glossy and thick, immediately pour to your pre-greased container and allow to sit to become solid. First in room temperature to allow to cool then place in the fridge for 1 hour (the longer you leave your tofu the more water that will drain out of it, meaning the firmer it will become).

That’s it! Your tofu is now ready to eat however you choose, we here recommend in any curry. Yum!


某晚,我去也是純素者的好友Lisa 和Gleen 家用餐,Lisa 端上一道印度風味的咖哩豆腐,說沒有黃豆,要我放心吃。我一吃嚇了一大跳,這鷹嘴豆豆腐帶著一股天然的香氣在口中綻放,口感比蛋豆腐還要滑嫩。


十五分鐘製作 / 純素簡易食譜 / 無麩質鷹嘴豆豆腐
三到四人份 (若要大量製作,所有材料直接上乘即可。)

一杯 鷹嘴豆麵粉 (140克)
一茶匙 好鹽
¼匙 薑黃粉(可省略)
三杯 淨水(分成兩份)

一只 碗
一只 小湯鍋
一只 保鮮盒
一匙 植物油(椰子、橄欖油等皆可)

1) 將乾料放置碗中拌勻後,加入一份水(一杯半)拌勻成鷹嘴豆麵糊。
2) 確認保鮮盒乾燥、乾淨,並輕輕掃上一層植物油。
3) 將剩餘的一份水(一杯半)煮沸並轉至中火。
4) 等水燒開期間,持續攪動麵糊,確認均勻後,再慢慢加入沸水中。
5) 將中火轉低為中小火,並不斷地將麵糊和水攪拌直到融合、看起來光滑、濃重,過程約5-10鐘,可自行拿捏。
6) 將充滿光澤、濃重的熱麵糊,快速裝到保鮮盒中,先在室溫下將其冷卻,再放到冰箱一小時即可。(豆腐要嫩,就不能冰太久、放太久,基本上三天內都會是最佳口感,但仍需視當地氣候而定。冰越多天,就會排出越多水,豆腐口感就會變硬。)


#Vegan #Tofu #Chickpea #chickpeatofu #burmesetofu #vegetarian #meatfree #soyfree #glutenfree #dairyfree #alternativeeating #besan #easycook #homecook #10minutemeal #cute ##GMOFREE #MSGFREE #veganmelbourne #菜食 #中英文食譜 #豆腐食譜 #素食 #無麩質 #純素 #動物性不使用 #全食物 #健康 #輕食 #鷹嘴豆

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