Drinks | Organic Homemade Soy Milk

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Organic homemade soy milk(中英文食譜 / 中文下拉)

Hey everyone, back here to share with you a very delicious, nutritious and simple recipe for home made Soy Milk. By using a simple nut bag you can very easily make your own vegan milk alternative to enjoy with your breakfast muesli or coffee this winter.

2 Cups (200g) of Organic Soy Bean. The ratio for Soy bean to water should always be 1:4.
2 x 8 Cups (800g) of Cold Clean Water
1/2 of a fresh Vanilla Pod (optional)
White Sugar, to taste (optional) *If you prefer brown sugar, Only add when you're using the milk, not during the cooking process.

Nut bag
food processor or Blender
Big saucepan
Wooden spoon

To start your soy milk, first get your 2 cups of soy beans and 8 cups of water, and place in a bowl and soak for 6 hours. Once you are able to that see the soybeans have expanded about twice their size they are ready.

Next drain the water from the soy beans and then remove the skins from the beans. this is a very tedious process, but try to have some fun with it. If you don’t want to remove the skin, this is OK, however soy skin is known to contain Purine, which has been linked to gout. Once you have removed the skins, again wash the soybeans with cold water and then move the beans to a processor or blender.

Once in the blender, add the second 8 cups of water and process the beans for 5 minutes, making sure they are very well mixed together and have a very smooth soy milk texture. The next step for making your soy milk is very important as you cannot drink your soy milk raw, this will lead to food poisoning and none of the nutrients have been extracted from the milk.

Take the mixture from the blender and place them in a nut bag or cheese cloth and drain them into a bowl or container. This process can also be done after cooking the beans, which creates a much stronger flavour. If you like, the left over soy powder from your bag can be used as a natural fertiliser for your garden, or saved to make Soy Bread, which we will show you how in the future.

Using your biggest saucepan, which should allow for three times as much volume as your soy milk, due to the blooming of the milk, add the soy milk to a medium flame. Lightly stir the milk over the flame until it comes to the boil, then change to a small flame and cook for 10 minutes. If you want to add white sugar or vanilla add this now. During the ten minutes, the soy milk will bubble and appear very large, however don’t worry just continue to cook and stir the milk- you don’t have to remove the bubbles!

During this process never place a lid on top, because you want the negative elements of the soy beans to be removed from your milk. After the 10 minutes take your milk off the flame and let it stand for some time before bottling or jarring it and placing it inside your fridge!





有機黃豆 兩杯(200g)黃豆和水的比例都是1:4
冷水 八杯(800g)x 2份

香草莢 半根(可省略)
白糖 適量(可省略)若要加黑 / 紅糖,必須在飲用前才加,若在煮時加入會產生變性沈澱物。

攪拌機 / 果汁機

兩杯(200g)黃豆對八杯(800g)冷水,將黃豆浸泡六小時後,直至黃豆膨漲至一倍大後,取出將水瀝乾,並有耐心地將黃豆去皮後。不去皮也行,但豆皮內含「普林」(英文:Purine),若腎臟代謝功能不佳恐形成尿酸,而造成痛風。去皮後的豆子用冷水沖過一遍後,將黃豆放入攪拌機 / 果汁機中再加入八杯(800g)冷水,至少攪打五分鐘以上,並確認均勻混合,成為濃密細緻的豆漿。此時的生豆漿絕對不能飲用,未煮熟的物質會引起食物中毒,並且無法完全釋出營養,必須徹底煮熟。




#soymilk #vegan #soy #soybean #Organicsoymilk #Cloudeer 

#Homemadesoymilk  #soyrecipe #easycook #drink #superfood #savecows #melbournevegan #nutbag #raw #glutenfree #veganmelbourne  #菜食 #豆漿 #中英文食譜 #豆漿食譜 #素食 #無麩質 #純素 #動物性不使用 #全食物 #健康  #輕食 #裸食

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