Vegan Adventures | Matcha Mylkbar / Beetroot Latte & Smoothie

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(中英文食記 / 中文下拉)

Matcha Mylkbar, St Kilda


Today we went to Matcha Mylkbar at St Kilda, Macha Mylkbar is a very interesting vegan place, if you happen to be travelling through or live in Melbourne- you should check it out.

I hadn't had coffee for a very long time , because coffee for Chinese medicine, is good for some but unhealthy for others, therefore I don't usually drink it- only if here is a very good coffee please someone has suggested I try- will I try coffee. 

Also I don't drink or eat food that is cold- or less than my body temperature. So I opted to not have the smoothies, however my friend Julian said that it was absolutely stunning and that he would come back for one for sure. 

Next time we can share their main course.

Beetroot Latte
freshly pressed beetroot juice, beetroot powder, almond milk.

Excuse Me, But I Find You Very Appealling
banana, agave, dates, natural vanilla bean, salted caramel,
almond milk.

72 Acland St, 
St Kilda VIC 3182
03 9534 1111
Open 7:30am - 4:30pm, 7 days a week (Kitchen closes at 3)

今天下午受朋友之邀,來了位於聖科達海灘區的Matcha Mylkbar純素餐廳探險。

今天之前已聽說Matcha Mylkbar出品的特製拿鐵值得一嚐,翻開菜單果真有特製拿鐵專區,除基本咖啡外,另有約七種不同的調味拿鐵,像是:薑黃、甜菜根、蘑菇、Chai等多種選擇-在墨爾本咖啡不會印在Menu上,通常一坐下店員就會先問你要喝什麼,大家就會在此時先喝一杯餐前咖啡或是茶、果汁,並一邊研究要吃什麼。


所以我這少少的額度,只留給好咖啡和值得一試的咖啡。今天我選了甜菜根杏仁奶拿鐵-咖啡味淡,反而嚐起來有芹菜的味道,十分... 令人難以解釋,(但值得一試)。


所以在此也推薦身體適合生、裸食的朋友這道以香蕉、龍舌蘭糖漿、奇亞籽、枸杞、蜜棗、香草豆、鹹焦糖與杏仁奶所組成的「EXCUSE ME, BUT I FIND YOU VERY APPEALLING」。

下次會介紹Matcha Mylkbar 所販售的餐點。

#matchamylkbar #cafe #organic #healthy #cleaneating #melbournevegan #glutenfree #StKilda#vegetarian #dairyfree #Vegan #BeetrootLatte #breakfast #Smoothie #Superfood#MelbourneCafe #urbanlisted #Beetroot #Latte #melbourne #StKildacoffee #date #saltedcaramel

#純素 #動物性不使用 #甜菜根 #無麩質 #甜菜根拿鐵 #墨爾本食記 #中英文食記 #墨爾本素食

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